We are excited to announce that we are now officially Great Place to Work-Certified™!

“Every single Activian contributes to our great workplace culture, and we should be proud of achieving this together. Being accredited means we are proud to work at Active, feel supported by each other to be our best, and do our best. This isn’t always easy but shows we care. Great cultures are built by great people.” said Cameron Swan MD of Active International UK’s office.

The high-level data shows we have achieved a Trust Index score of 88%, which is 5% higher than the last time we took part in the survey a few years ago. As a company, we are going from strength to strength and continuously improving.

We feel fortunate to work with a group of people that all personally contribute to an exceptional culture and environment.

About Great Places to Work
Great Places to Work was founded in 1981 and came to the UK in 2000 with the aim to showcase and help organisations create exceptional, high performing workplaces where employees feel trusted and valued. GPTW help employers improve recruitment, retention and productivity by putting employees at the heart of the organisation, analysing what they think and feel and identifying the real issues that need to be addressed. Part of a global organisation, they apply data and insights from approximately 10,000 organisations across the world to benchmark individual performance and advise employers on how to continuously improve employee engagement.

Our Best Workplaces™ Programme enables organisations to celebrate their achievements, build their employer brand and inspire others to take action.